Elodio Aragon Says Tracy Panton is Better Option to Lead U.D.P.
We also had a phone conversation with former area representative Elodio Aragon Junior. Following the Unity Convention, the U.D.P. Orange Walk East Standard Bearer wrote to the party leadership, recognizing the overwhelming support for the Alliance for Democracy. He explained why it was crucial for his constituents to take a stand in the leadership battle.

On the phone: Elodio Aragon Jr.
On the phone: Elodio Aragon Jr., Orange Walk East, U.D.P. Standard Bearer
“You know, after careful thinking and discussions, you know, especially with our delegates and our committee and persons that support us out here in the Orange Walk East division and elsewhere. We decided, we had about three meetings, basically, and last night we had our final meeting and based on the fact that the division in the party does not look as though there will be any resolution as the coming together of these two factions. The reality is that we cannot go into the next general elections in this manner. Based on that, you know, we decided that we have to look at what is best for the party and who is the best leader to lead us into the next general elections. Based on these discussions that we have, you know we unanimously supported the leadership of Tracy Taegar-Panton.”
Isani Cayetano
“This decision also succeeds a letter that you had written to the leadership of the UDP then, in the wake of Unity Convention. Talk to us a bit about that as well.”
Elodio Aragon Jr.
“When I wrote that letter, it was like a last call taken for this matter to be resolved, for us as a party to come together because it’s only in unity that we can look forward, in terms of being able to put a front, a good fight and being able to be elected and form government. You know, if you’re not united it’s a tough call.”
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