Elodio Aragon Jr., Resigns as UDP Standard Bearer
Just a week ago, we heard about U.D.P. Cayo North Standard Bearer Doctor Omar Figueroa switching his support from the Alliance for Democracy to Shyne Barrow’s faction of the U.D.P. Today, Orange Walk East Standard Bearer Elodio Aragon Junior is making headlines. Aragon announced in a press release that he is withdrawing his candidacy for the upcoming 2025 general elections. In letters to Barrow and Panton, Aragon cited ongoing internal challenges and rifts as the main reasons for his decision. He wrote, “despite our best efforts to carry on during these troubled times, we were hopeful that as a political party we would overcome the challenges and truly represent the people of Belize. However, we feel it is untenable and disheartening at this time, and not fair to Belizeans, especially our constituents”. Having served as Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security under the past U.D.P. government, Aragon emphasized that he remains a U.D.P. supporter and continues to back Panton’s leadership.

Elodio Aragon Jr.
Elodio Aragon Jr., Former UDP Standard Bearer
“I stick with what I said way back then in terms of the support for Tracy, but at this point in time, I have made that choice based on a number of consultations that I’ve done both within our village and town committees, and after a long, drawn-out process, I made a decision not to contest the selection. Of course, there’s a lot of reasons, a lot of things out there, which I don’t want to get into for the sake of the party. But at the end of the day, you know, this is my decision. What has played out there, everybody understands what is taking place. But at the end of the day, I am. Always and will always be the son of the East here in a ritual. This is where I was born and this is where I’m living and hope to die. I wish the United Democratic Party, I wish all of our candidates that are running at the very best. I continue and I remain a UDP, and I will continue to be a UDP. I’m just withdrawing my candidacy for this general election 2025. What the future holds for me, I don’t know. I will cross that bridge when we get there.”
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