Ellis Meighan & Brady Tillett Coming Back to Belize?
Two men who are wanted by local law enforcement may very well be heading back to Belize quicker than they were hoping to return. Ellis Meighan is wanted for the April fourteenth murder of Roy Burgess on the Placencia Road and Brady Tillett is wanted for the June twenty-fifth shooting of the Commissioner of Police’s home in Belmopan. Both men fled Belize and were nabbed on separate dates while entering the U.S. The Belize Police Department has requested their deportation in order to bring charges against them for the crimes they are accused of committing. Commissioner Williams explained that it’s a process still in the making.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“We’re still going through the process with the U.S authorities. You know that we’re not the ones who have them in our custody. As much as we wish we’d have them, we have not been given that opportunity to have them back home. So we have submitted to the U.S. authorities the documentations in respect of both individuals. And we’re hoping that once ICE is through with the process that they must go through with them, that they will be able to return them to us back in Belize.”
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