HomeBelize DistrictEasier Access for Mexican Visitors Entering Belize  

Easier Access for Mexican Visitors Entering Belize  

Prime Minister John Briceño

Easier Access for Mexican Visitors Entering Belize  

The Briceño administration has taken a decision to remove the existing border tax for Mexican visitors entering Belize.  Among several other initiatives, Cabinet has also agreed on allowing Mexican visitors to use their insurance in Belize.  It’s all in an effort to facilitate easier access and movement into the country.  PM Briceño explains.


Prime Minister John Briceño

Our cabinet has agreed to lift or to provide the cards for the Mexicans free of charge so they could come into Belize easily, remove the border tax and also be able to use their insurance into Belize.  We’re doing this so that we can be able to make it easier for Mexicans to visit Belize.  And lastly, we spoke about Tren Maya.  We spoke with General Aguila, who is in charge of the project, along with ICA, a private sector company that’s building, they have different sections.  They are building different companies, along with the army.  They are building it and about the possibility of moving it from Chetumal, Tren Maya, to our border, to start there and to eventually go into the rest of the country.  So all of these discussions, this is what we’ve agreed to roughly and we’re now starting to put that on pen and paper and hopefully sometime next month we’ll be able to sign this agreement.  So it was very successful, I’m very grateful to President AMLO, as everybody knows him, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.  I also met with the governor from Quintana Roo, who was also there.  We had several discussions.  There’s an interest in the port because now that Chetumal is going to be a duty free area, all the goods will have to come in through the Belize port.  So they want to also take a look at the port and see that we can improve the port so that they can handle the amount of goods that they expect will be coming through shortly.  I extended an invitation to the governor and we expect that probably in maybe a month or two, so that he’d be able to come on a working visit.”

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