Dr. Zab Explains P.U.P.’s Vetting Process
On Wednesday night, political aspirant Cyril Garcia shared his disappointment with the People’s United Party’s decision to turn down his application to challenge Doctor Louis Zabaneh in Dangriga. Garcia anticipated an opportunity to face the sitting area representative and become the next standard bearer for that constituency. Instead of accepting the challenge, the P.U.P. sent him a letter informing him that his application had been rejected. The secretary general then asked Garcia to support Doctor Zabaneh’s candidacy without giving him a reason for the decision taken. Earlier today, News Five spoke with the incumbent area representative who sought to outline the process being used to determine the eligibility of all applicants.

Dr. Louis Zabaneh
Dr. Louis Zabaneh, Area Representative, Dangriga
“The People’s United Party has a very clear process to vet aspirants and I have great trust for the people in those committees and they followed their procedures. One of the number one criteria is that you need to be a member of the party, an active member, in fact, for that, aspiring to that position. The gentleman has never been an active member of the party. His mom, Aunt Lily, may have been, but none of the children have ever participated actively in the party. So it would be clear that that criteria is something that everybody would appreciate and understand. We expect that the people who are applying would have demonstrated their commitment and their hard work over the years to serve the party and, of course, then get the opportunity to serve.
Isani Cayetano
“How would you respond to a criticism about your party where they are essentially saying they’re not making sufficient room for young politicians to come into the fray?”
Louis Zabaneh
“Well, I think that is something said in ignorance, meaning that the facts would bear out otherwise.”
Isani Cayetano
“Now, essentially, you’re going to be endorsed for a second term as the standard bearer for the People’s United Party in Dangriga. What is that looking like for you?”
Louis Zabaneh
“Well yes, our executive will be meeting this weekend and we’ll be setting a date very early in July so that we can prepare that activity and get everybody geared up. But then that reminds me to say that when I had applied to enter the fray, we had a convention, it was myself and five others. I recall that when I applied, I had to send in recommendation letters. In the case of recommendation letters, you find people in the community, elders. In my case, I had the great opportunity for former Mayor Cassian Nunez, may she rest in peace, former minister Silvia Flores and both of them, in their own hand, wrote their letters and signed it themselves.”
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