HomeLatest NewsDr. Louis Zabaneh Responds to Uruwei’s Political Challenge

Dr. Louis Zabaneh Responds to Uruwei’s Political Challenge

Dr. Louis Zabaneh

Dr. Louis Zabaneh Responds to Uruwei’s Political Challenge

This afternoon, Doctor Zabaneh also spoke with News Five regarding the challenge and provided and update on the works that have been taking place in his constituency.  Zabaneh has been in office since November 2020 when he was elected under the People’s United Party.


Dr. Louis Zabaneh, Area Representative, Dangriga

“Our party has a mechanism in place and the Prime Minister and the party chairman opened up the period for persons to apply which I believe closes today.  But at the end of the day, I can speak to the things that I have worked on, the things that I went through when I had to apply for the first time and I believe I brought to the table over thirty years combined work experience, academic achievement and that is what I presented to the people, I said based on this background that is here, that I am sharing with you, that you all are able to go and verify, I would like the opportunity to serve the people of Dangriga constituency and I was very humble and honored to have been accepted to do so.”


Isani Cayetano

“Dr. Zabaneh, as area representative for Dangriga, how would you respond to the criticism that some would say you seem to be disconnected from those on the ground, in terms of being able to provide the services that the constituency needs?”


Louis Zabaneh

“If you go and talk to the people of Dangriga you would find that that’s not the case.  On the contrary, you would see me very active in the community.  Being a minister of state in government also means that I have those responsibilities, so it’s not everyday that I can be in the constituency itself.  people on the ground are able to see what has been achieved.  I’ve worked very hard in various areas based on the promises I’ve made, the areas of priority that I was guided by the people to do, education, we’ve done quite a bit in that area.  Besides Plan Belize that has free education now and we have Delille [Academy] and we have ANRI under that program.  We’ve done over five hundred scholarships, preschool all the way to university and we’ve also brought ANRI to life again, it was dormant.  We’ve also brought the ITVET back to life again. We also have the infrastructure.  For the first time, Dangriga has seen in a short period of time, coming from central government, eighteen streets and these are not short streets, long streets that have been paved.  The villages, we have Hope Creek and we have Sarawee, for the first time they have paved streets, we’re working on their sporting facilities, for example.”

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