Dr. Leroy Almendarez Set As New SSB C.E.O
Prime Minister John Briceño confirmed today what News Five reported weeks ago which was that the new Chief Executive Officer of the Social Security Board (S.S.B.) will be Doctor Leroy Almendarez. Doctor Almendarez leaves BELTRAIDE to head S.S.B. This development comes after C.E.O. Deborah Ruiz announced that she would not be renewing her contract. Her last day is August fifteenth. Ruiz has been employed at S.S.B. for the last forty-two years. P.M. Briceño thanked her for her service and says he is hopeful that S.S.B. can move to the next level under the leadership of Doctor Almendarez.
Prime Minister John Briceño
“Yes, they went through a long process. The post was advertised. First of all, I want to put on record my appreciation to Ms. Ruiz who has been almost all he professional life at social security and the work that she has done over the years at the C.E.O. position. After the lengthy process of advertisement and screening and interviewing they have chosen Dr. Leroy Almendarez who has been

Prime Minister John Briceño
at the helm of BELTRAIDE, who has been doing a fantastic job. While I feel sad that we are losing him here at BELTRAIDE, we are happy that he is going to social security to continue to manage one of the most important institutions in the country with the largest trust fund. The people’s money and to find ways, him coming from the private sector and BELTRAIDE to see how we can find ways to invest that large pool of money. We have about a hundred million dollars. And, if we can’t invest in it then we may have to increase contributions, and we don’t want to do that. I am hoping he can come in and help to take social security to the next level.”
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