Don’t Say Two UDPs Or Else; Barrow Threatens Court Action
But Barrow’s resistance to questions about the Alliance for Democracy didn’t last long. He took the opportunity to clarify which group truly represents the United Democratic Party. Barrow is now pursuing a contempt ruling from the High Court against Panton. He warned everyone, including the media, that once the ruling is made, anyone pushing the narrative of two U.D.P.s will face legal consequences.
Moses “Shyne” Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
“I want to disabuse you of the notion that there are two leaderships. Tracy Panton was expelled from the UDP, Patrick Faber was expelled from the UDP, these people are the alliance for democracy party. There is only one UDP, just like how there is only one great Belzie, one Channel Five, there is only one. And while we respect the media tremendously, we have gone through great lengths to not engage in a legal battle with the media. After next Friday when we finish with Justice Hondora and he gives further orders, anyone in violation of the orders and anyone that continues to push this narrative of two UDPs, we will have to pursue legal remedies for that. It is confusing to the electorate. It is causing great damage to our democracy when you keep putting these people off as any UDP officials, or this person’s UDP or that person’s UDP, when Justice Hondora returned to this UDP headquarters, the Henry Young building, he returned it to the Central Executive of the UDP. He did not say UDP one or two, So I would want to disabuse you of those false narratives and notions.”
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