Dog Leads Search Party to Owner’s Badly Decomposed Body
We begin tonight’s newscast with a murder in Bermudian Landing Village. Forty-year-old Shane Baizar was last heard from on Thursday last week. He was reported missing several days lady after efforts to locate him proved futile. This morning, his dog led a search party of relatives and friends to his badly decomposed body inside a shallow grave near his home. It is believed that Baizar knew his killer. This afternoon police hunted down that suspect and shot him to death while attempting to detain him. We will tell you more about that later. But first, we take you to Bermudian Landing Village where News Five’s Paul Lopez spent the morning alongside the search party until Baizar’s body was discovered. Here is that report.
Paul Lopez, Reporting
The badly decomposed body of forty-year-old Bermudian Landing businessman Shane Baizar was discovered in a shallow grave near his home. Baizar resided on a property that spans several acres which he used to take tourists on ecological tours. His cousin, Browning Williams, last heard from him on Thursday evening.

Voice of: Browning Williams
Voice of: Browning Williams, Cousin of Deceased
“I spoke to Shane on Thursday and he told me he then come dah my house. I told him I nuh ready fih come up yet. So, I called him back like minutes to six and he told me he already at Lowes in Ladyville, but I wasn’t at home yet. So I told him go through my boyfriend the home. He told me I just gwen dah the yard and pass through because I have to go home and deal with something. So my cousin call me and told me to ask Shane how much to stay in the room because he have a little resort. I call Shane and he didn’t answer or seen me and Shane is the type of person that even if he send me a text, he always responds back.”
On Saturday, Williams took to social media to seek assistance in locating Baizar, after receiving information that his house had been left open but he was nowhere to be found. On Sunday morning, Williams and Baizar’s sister, Stacy Baizar, visited the Ladyville Police Station to file a missing persons report. His family then organized a search party to canvass his property.

Voice of: Stacy Baizar
Voice of: Stacy Baizar, Sister of Deceased
“We came up yesterday and a lot of us the family member, we walked the property and looked in some bushes and took the boat down the river and saw nothing and said we were going to come back this morning and tried to find him again.”

Shane Baizar
Voice of: Browning Williams
“Yesterday when we came to do the search yesterday, this dah after police left, this dah after the forensics left I came and walked to the edge of Shane yard and my foot touched Shane ring and his ring was on the ground covered in blood. I say my God, maybe my family the try show me a sign, that I the yah fam, nuh stop look for me, I am right here.”
Sunday’s search also led to the discovery of a makeshift shed on the property, near the river. The shed is believed to have been used by Baizar’s killer as a hideout, as the suspect was wanted by police for questioning in connection with several other murders. There they discovered clothing, food and a hammock. This morning, a group of relatives and friends from Bermudian Landing assembled in front of Baizar’s home once more.
Voice of: Stacy Baizar
“Basically to meet up out here and try to find him or anymore clues that might lead us to where he might be.”
An hour after they gathered, police officers began to show up on the scene. A team of heavily armed police officers joined a group of residents to search along one of the trails on the property. A second team proceeded to the river bank to conduct searches on water. And, just as that team was working to secure a canoe, a phone call came in with information that the first search party discovered what appeared to be a shallow grave, near one of the unfinished cabanas on the property. The area of interest was discovered by Shadow, Baizar’s dog. Shadow began to dig inside an unfinished septic tank that contained sand and broken branches.
Voice of: Browning Williams
“Yesterday, when we did the search yesterday they called and told us that the vehicle deh dah Cotton Tree. They told us that Shane body deh dah Hatieville dah the bus shed. They mih the do everything to throw us off track from right here weh part we deh.”
Baizar’s pickup truck was discovered in St. Mathews Village on Sunday. Moments after police identified the septic tank as an area of interest, Scenes of Crime personnel arrived at the location. They suited up and proceeded to remove the branches and dirt from inside the unfinished structure. There, they found Baizar’s badly decomposed body, much to the dismay of those who were gathered near the scene.
Paul Lopez
“What do you make of the information that he may have somehow not only known his killer, but that this person may have been hanging around.”
Voice of: Browning Williams
“Shane, I feel he trusted too much people, his circle was too big and everybody know Shane. If you hungry Shane wah feed you, if you need somewhere to stay, Shane will let you stay and I feel like that was his downfall.”
News Five understands that an attempt was made on Baizar’s life two weeks ago in the village. Strangely, this morning someone used his Facebook page to post a Chevy Equinox for sale.
Voice of: Stacy Baizar
“That is the thing that annoyed us because somebody was playing with us and they were posting and you know, but, that’s…”
Reporting for News Five, I am Paul Lopez.
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