DOE Approves Caye Caulker Fuel Depot Project
Last month, residents in a Caye Caulker neighborhood voiced strong opposition to the proposed construction of a petroleum station and fuel storage facility near their homes, citing safety concerns. At the same time, the Caye Caulker Tour Operators Association came out in support of the project. Elvis Landaverry, the managing director of the Petrol Alliance Group Holding Company Limited, quickly reassured residents in an open letter, stating that the project had been thoroughly researched and strategically planned. The Department of the Environment has given the project the green light. Today, Environmental Technician Marco Escalante told News Five that the company had to meet all the necessary requirements.

Marco Escalante
Marco Escalante, Environmental Technician, Department of the Environment
“Because of the location, the tanks were also required to be within a vault – are required to be within a bulk. The setbacks for a service station for, for tanks within bulk above ground would be 15 feet from the property line.”
Marion Ali
“They met all the requirements you’re saying?”
Marco Escalante
“Yes, based on the guidelines, yes, but so even after we look at the plans and what’s not go through the guidelines, we still have to wait for the fire department, you know, because they might have some concerns with the location and whatnot. However, they did provide your no objection on September on October 30, like I said, 2023, and thereafter we proceeded to draft an environmental compliance plan. The environmental compliance plan, as you may know, um, has several conditions within the document that they have to abide by, um, during the construction and eventually the operation of the service station. This would be basically the ECP would establish, you know, at how many tank will be there. They, have to be within a vault. They have to have all water separators, et cetera. And meet whatever criteria, whatever they land, whatever recommendations the fire department also required.”
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