Developing Smart Investors to Build Belize’s Securities Sector
Many of the terms used to describe investment opportunities available to Belizeans are often too complex for potential investors to understand. This complexity is a key reason why many Belizeans are not taking advantage of these opportunities. To address this, the Financial Services Commission is launching a smart investor awareness campaign during World Investor Week, from October seventh to thirteenth. This week is recognized annually by the International Organization of Securities Commissions, of which Belize recently became an associate member.

Nilda Sosa
Nilda Sosa, Director of Operations & Corporate Services, FSC
“All IOSCO members and supporters, such as IDB, the World Bank Group and partners of IOSCO to promote this global initiative will be launching investor initiatives and activities. There will be competitions that will focus on the importance of investor education. There will also be webinars and workshops with the objective of educating the public in the different areas that were mentioned. From our perspective, the FSC will be launching an investor center website where resources and tools can be accessed with that investor center, we host the official webpage for World Investors Week and all the resources, information that we will sharing with the public can be accessed through our website at We will also have complementing that a free webinar that FCS will be coordinating for the public. This webinar is called Smart Investing a Guide to Navigating the Securities Landscape. This will be complemented to the FAQ segment we will have.”
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