Despicable! Policeman Accused of Raping Woman in Detention
Tonight, a police officer is on remand at the Belize Central Prison after being accused of raping a female detainee at the Queen Street Police Station on Friday. It’s a shameful act reportedly carried out by forty-five-year-old Derwin Marin. The police constable was on duty, but had no business interacting with the woman. At some point, P.C. Marin allegedly approached her and offered to release her without charge in exchange for sex. He then proceeded to remove the woman from the holding cell and escorted her to another area of the station where he apparently had intercourse with her. In the wake of the incident, the Belize Police Department wasted no time in taking action against the rogue officer. Criminal and internal investigations are underway and the Commissioner of Police has condemned Marin’s actions. This morning, ComPol Williams appeared before the lower courts during Marin’s arraignment where he objected to bail. It is the second time within a few weeks that the top cop has donned his attorney’s cap to prosecute a matter.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“Basically I appeared in court this morning to do the arraignment for the police officer who is charged with the crime of rape which took place at the Queen Street Police Station over the weekend.”
“You objected to bail.”
Chester Williams
“Yes, I came to object to bail because we believe that the act is such that the police officer needs to remain in prison until the matter is heard.”
“Now, this is a fairly mundane, straightforward prosecution. Why did you feel I important to bring your office to bear on it?”
Chester Williams
“Well I guess it’s the need to show the importance of the case. Like I said before, we have been doing our best to ensure that we rid ourselves of those rogue officers who constantly do things that embarrass the department. My presence here is a strong statement that we are doing what we can to ensure that persons who are aggrieved by the actions of police that they get justice. The person who is the victim was a prisoner in police custody. The investigation revealed that the police officer solicited sex from her in exchange for her release. He subsequently took her outside of her cell block where the act took place. We have secure several statements, as well as video footages that support her allegation.”
“Was he aware of the security cameras?”
Chester Williams
“Well he has to be aware of it, every police officer who works at that cellblock area knows that cameras are there.”
“Yeah, but did he go to a concealed area or an area outside of view?”
Chester Williams
“Well the cameras would not have captured the act itself, but the camera did pick up when he took her out of the cell and took her to the area where the alleged rape took place.”
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