Cyclist Hit by Truck in Dangriga, Drivers Asked to be More Mindful
Two cyclists were injured in an accident on Monday in Dangriga, while riding along the Hummingbird Highway. They are eighteen-year-old Reynaldo White and seventeen-year-old Tamron Morris, both members of the Griga Cycling Club. The two were returning from a ride with another member of the club around one in the afternoon when Morris suddenly fell to the ground due to a truck swerving in his direction, the truck then proceeded to hit White, resulting in several injuries. Annis Gordon, Secretary of the Griga Cycling Club, took to social media to caution drivers when sharing the road with cyclists, but the post was met with criticism from skeptics who believed the cyclists to be at fault. We spoke with Gordon and Morris today, for more details on the incident.

Tamron Morris
Tamron Morris, Injured Cyclist
“I noticed that we was coming back from our ride. We left from around ten o’clock. We went to mile twenty and was coming back from five miles. I heard so many vehicles passing us so I didn’t pay any mind because we was at the side of the road and all I see was a blue pickup truck. A blue pickup truck breeze me off the road and it knocked my partner in front of me, and when he fell, I dropped on top of him, and then I see myself in a ditch.”

Annis Gordon
Annis Gordon, Secretary Griga Cycling Club
“Ronaldo, he had a cut to the left side of his eye. He was scraped. He had scraped on his arms, his back, his hip, his shoulder got fractured and Tamron was complaining with pain in his hip. When I asked about the other rider, Deshane, they told me that DeShane remained at the scene along with the bikes and the person who hit them. We were told that he accept that it was his fault and that he would meet along with us to see what he can do to assist with damages and whatever caused by his carelessness. He also admitted that he took his eyes off the road for a minute and that happened. What he was doing, we don’t really know, but he admitted to the incident that it was his fault. I have been reading on social media ever since I posted on my page, I have been reading and I saw so many negative comments by people talking about cyclists and some said that they need to use they common sense. Some say if he honk his horn, they are knocked him down and get out of the way. And there are so many negative things that and I am sure. That more cyclists will get on the highway and ride recklessly, knowing that they could put their life at risk and causing problems. We need to be mindful of what we say, of what we say. We need to be mindful because everybody has a turn. Our boys, we tried our best to ensure and to instill that they respect traffic. The same way we would like for traffic to respect our cyclists.”
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