Cousins Feuding over Land, Woman Demands Harsher Charges
On Tuesday, we brought you the story of the Dominguez family feud in Biscayne that turned violent during an alleged home invasion. Shania Dominguez claims her first cousin, Lunnet Dominguez, has been a threat to her and her six-year-old autistic son ever since she moved onto their grandfather’s property in Biscayne Village. Shania alleges that Lunnet and her eighteen-year-old nephew broke into her house, causing damage to both her and her property. After the authorities stepped in, all three family members were charged with harm, leading Shania to call for harsher punishments. Here’s News Five’s Britney Gordon with more details.
Britney Gordon, Reporting
Last week, a land dispute within the Dominguez family escalated to the point where three members ended up in court. Twenty-five-year-old Shania Dominguez claims that ever since she moved onto a property in Biscayne Village, her thirty-three-year-old cousin Lunnet Dominguez and Lunnet’s eighteen-year-old nephew have been harassing her. Shania says that one day, while she was at home, she heard objects being thrown at her house. When she went to check, she claims she saw her cousins outside.

Shania Dominguez
Shania Dominguez, Charged With Harm
“So both of us exchange words then her nephew said that he would and punch me in my mouth. with loud noises on my house start getting stoned. When I looked, I opened my door, I saw him already at the step. I was scared. I threw regular water on him so that he could move away and go from out of my yard because why are you guys in my yard. when I look, I locked back my door, sat down, when I heard all the steps just coming up, just because Lunnett is coming up, stamped, opened the door fell straight down, cause the force that they came with trashed the whole house.”
Shania claims her cousins forced their way into her home, sparking a scuffle. All three family members ended up being charged with harm, which didn’t sit well with Shania. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams stated that the charges were fair for everyone involved.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“We have to be extremely real and honest in terms of what we say to the public. When we give an account of something, we must give the full story. Obviously there is an issue involving that family, and it would appear that what triggered the issue, um, might have been something that took place at the, I think back in the cross horse race, so we’re following that event. The son of Miss Domingo, the police officer, was burnt with hot water by the relative of the other lady who is complaining. And based on that, she went into the house to see who had thrown the hot water on her son, and whilst there, there was a scuffle, and the lady got injured. The police again exercising reasonableness and fairness, we decided to look at the issue as a cross complaint. So the fact that Ms. Domingo is a police officer, Lunnet, it did not exculpate her from the issue, because she too was also charged with harm. And the person who threw the hot water on the child was also charged.”
Shania says her cousins wreaked havoc on her house and even made off with her television. She’s baffled as to why they didn’t face more serious charges.
Shania Dominguez
“That’s aggravated burglary, damage to property, stuff went missing. So approximately should get charged for theft. All of those things. To my knowledge, when I came to court, I found out that they won’t get charged for none of those only harm because I brought my medical form in. So if I didn’t even brought my medical form in, nothing would have come out of the situation. At no point of time, I’m saying that I’m a saint, but these people are wrong. If they’re wrong, I’m asking for the right charges to be levied against them, which is aggravated burglary, damage to property and theft. And none of those are happening.”
Despite Shania’s adamant denial of throwing hot water on her alleged assailant, Commissioner Williams maintains that the right punishment was handed down.
Chester Williams
“Whether hot or cold, if you throw water on somebody, that’s an assault. They had no right to do that, and that’s what aggravated the issue. And so we have to be real; they provoked the situation. If you are a mother, and you are somewhere and someone inside a house throws water, whether hot or cold, on your child. What would be your response? We have to be real. You don’t provoke a situation and believe that because another person responds to your provocation, then that person must be dealt with how you feel the person must be dealt with. The law must be, must be there to protect people.”
Shania’s biggest worry is her cousin’s connections with the Belize Police Department and Paul Ferguson, aka Chicken Dread, who drives for the Minister of Home Affairs.
Shania Dominguez
“Chicken Dread is on her side. When she was a civilian like me, she never a day crossed my path, but due to the fact that Paul is always there saying that he has her back. So this is what she’s doing, just doing stuff and think that she can get away with it. And then if I just keep quiet, If it will just be sweeped right under the rug, it’s clear to be seen.”
Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams dispelled rumors of Fergusons influence over the case.
Chester Williams
“I don’t know what else the family expects; this had nothing to do with chicken dread, or chicken bald head, or however you may want to call him. In terms of influencing what the police does, I personally advised the lady, well, the police, in terms of how to deal with the issue and then dealt with it.”
Shania says the land they’re living on belongs to their late grandfather. If the land dispute isn’t sorted out soon, she plans to take it to court. Britney Gordon for News Five.
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