Corozal Mayor Thankful Hurricane Beryl Changed Course
We also heard from Corozal Mayor, Rigo Vellos. He and his team at the town council spent the night monitoring the movement of Hurricane Beryl. Mayor Vellos says that he is pleased with the level of caution taken by residents in the town. He says Hurricane Beryl gave the council an opportunity to better prepare for the remainder of the hurricane season.

Rigo Vellos
Rigo Vellos, Mayor, Corozal Town
“Last night we stayed vigilant making sure that we follow every single step this storm was taking, listening to the reports. That is what we had to do to ensure we stayed abreast of what is happening with the storm. Luckily, we were fortunate. We are blessed by God that it went a bit north and did absolutely no kind of damage to Corozal Town or to the district. That is the good relief we had this morning waking up knowing that all clear is given and we did not receive absolutely any damages. I do believe what made a huge difference is the information coming through NEMO. They did their part in making sure they informed the public, the Corozalaneos of what was happening, what to expect, how to prepare. By now we are well educated when it comes to preparing for a storm and of course NEMO doing their part, the town council doing their part. We were prepared, people took it seriously. Of course, you will never have a hundred percent of your people who would take it seriously. But the majority took it seriously. I can tell you that when I was out between twelve and one there was no one on the street. That is a good sign that everybody stayed indoors monitoring the system. What it did gave us an opportunity to prepare a bit better. It is never a perfect score. There is always room for improvement and this storm that passed allowed us to do that. Just like the weekend before when we had all that rain and a bit of flooding that helped us to distinguish the areas we needed to improve when it comes to the drainage system. Last night it only taught us how we can prepare a bit better, what else we need to add to improve whatever system we already had in place.”
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