Corozal Candidates Officially Nominated And Ready For Elections
As you all know, today the entire country was teeming with activity as the candidates for the upcoming municipal elections were officially nominated. That, off course, includes Corozal which saw its P.U.P. nominees parade through the streets in the morning, followed by an Independent candidate, and the U.D.P. candidates later that day. Then, after the respective festivities of the parade, candidates entered into the Corozal Magistrate Court to be nominated. We attended the event today in Corozal to see it unfold.
Britney Gordon
“So you’ve officially been nominated, can you tell me what this means for you and your candidacy?”

Rigo Vellos
Rigo Vellos, P.U.P. Mayoral Candidate, Corozal
“It’s always a privilege to be able to give and be given the opportunity to serve our people of Corozal. So we are all excited and we’re happy. We’re happy that this process has happened. We can leave it behind and we can focus now on what we need to focus. Which is to make sure that we win on March sixth.”
Britney Gordon
“And what will you be doing moving forward to ensure that?”
Rigo Vellos
“The work continues. As a council, because we are elected, the work continues. But of course, on the campaign trail, we’ll still be visiting our people asking and pledging for that support on March sixth.”

Marleni Tapia
Marleni Tapia, P.U.P. Councilor Candidate, Corozal
“I’m very privileged and honored. I’m feeling energized. I thank all the supporters who came out this morning. It is showing that the PUP is still strong here in Corozal. We are ready to continue the work with Mayor Rigo Vellos and my team PUP7.”
Britney Gordon
“So it’s much harder to promote yourself as an independent candidate. So what are you doing to let people be aware that you’re running?”

Hernan Riverol
Hernan Riverol, Independent Mayoral Candidate, Corozal
“I have been, like I told you, I’ve been working with the for years. I even have, things that I did in the past about Christmas parade, giving our gifts, back to school, the kids giving away, some food to some people, some all over the area that they incur that, I mostly deal with the, mostly the needy person though, the ones that need the help in Corozal.”

Ricardo Ake
Ricardo Ake, U.D.P. Mayoral Candidate, Corozal
“Nomination Day, the day that everyone is looking forward to put their name on that ballot. But nevertheless, a little bit nervous but at the same time very enthusiastic, energized. Words cannot express what the people are bringing to me here. Even if they are not here, even if work has them, or showing their support in being here.”

Benjamin Maestro
Benjamin Maestro, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate, Corozal
“I feel very enthusiastic. I feel that we have the support of our people. Our people know what’s coming, and it’s a good message for all of us the candidates in the street for the UDP.”
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