ComPol Williams Says He Did Not Oversee Doris Grant House Raid
And today we heard from the Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams, on Tuesday’s police raid at Doris Grant’s Gardenia Village property. Information suggests that the raid may not be connected to the charges she is currently facing before the court. Surprisingly, Williams told reporters that he is not aware of the details of the operation. ComPol Williams also said that he received a call from Grant on Tuesday night in which she detailed the damage done to her property during the raid. According to the Commissioner of Police, he told her to file a complaint with the Professional Standards Branch if she feels that her constitutional rights were violated in the process.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“I am not aware of it. I know that Doris Grant had messaged me last night making a complaint and I told her to go to PSB to lodge a complaint there.”
“Is there a parallel police investigation happening here? The vibes I am getting around this case is that things are happening deliberately over your head.”
Chester Williams
“I am not aware of that, no.”
“But if police officers were there, supposedly seven trucks, she says, without your knowledge.”
Chester Williams
“I don’t need to be aware of every police operation. You always conveniently get it wrong. Understand the meaning of micromanager, micromanager is a person who always tells his people what to do and how to do it. I don’t do that. My commanders will tell you I give them the latitude to do what needs to be done but when things go wrong it is my duty as the head to step in and correct them. that is not micromanaging, it is holding people accountable for when things go wrong. You would be the same one to say, when things go wrong, that as commissioner I ought to have known. So please just stop it and let us be real.”
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