ComPol Says “Shyne” Needs to File a Report
Leader of the Opposition, Moses “Shyne” Barrow, has laid the matter at the feet of the police, saying that he feels that even if he filed a report against Audinett, he feels that it would be an exercise in futility since the police had not acted upon a previous report that he had made against Beverly Williams. Today ComPol Chester Williams responded to that comment and said that if Barrow wants the police to act, he needs to file a report.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“When you speak of the Leader of the Opposition, I would have to know which one of them you’re speaking about. I don’t know. I know there is – from what I’m told, there are two. I don’t know which of them you’re speaking of, so I can’t answer.”
“Mr. Barrow, Sir.”
Chester Williams
“Oh, Mr Barrow, okay (laughter) – I had said to Shyne, the matter that he had reported in respect to Beverly Williams is one which is a class complaint. If Beverly is arrested then he needs to be arrested too. She also made a report against him. If it is that they wish to go to court and resolve the issue, then we have no issue doing that. In terms of the issue with Yellow Man, I’m not fully aware of the nature of that complaint. I have not seen it, so I cannot comment on that.”
“No, he said he doesn’t want to make a complaint because he feels it might be futile and it should be up to the police to look into it, given that there’s a video online.”
Chester Williams
“No, no, it’s not up to the police. If a person made a threat against you, it’s your prerogative to come to the police and make a report. The police will not act if you don’t come to the police and give a report.”
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