HomeCrimeComplainant in Selgado Case Charged with Being Gang Member

Complainant in Selgado Case Charged with Being Gang Member


Complainant in Selgado Case Charged with Being Gang Member

He was the man that filed a statement and provided material evidence to the police that ended with the conviction of attorney Oscar Selgado who is awaiting sentencing for abetment to commit murder. Today, it is that man, thirty-year-old Giovanni Ramirez, who was arraigned for being a member of a gang. Martinez, a resident of Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District, is accused of being a member of the Back-Ah-Land Crips. Ramirez pleaded not guilty when he appeared in court today. He asked permission to speak and told the sitting magistrate that his arrest stemmed from a vehicle that he bought from a policeman. According to Ramirez, they took his vehicle, which he claimed he had for two years and then four days later, police came and arrested him and then he was charged with being a member of a gang. Ramirez asked what his vehicle had to do with his arrest, but the Magistrate told him she cannot answer or address his question as only the charge for being a member of a gang is before her. Ramirez was denied bail and was remanded to the Belize Central Prison until July twenty-fourth. It was a statement made by Ramirez that led the Crown to seal the conviction of Selgado for abetment to murder Marilyn Burns. Ramirez had told police that Selgado paid him to carry out a hit on Burns. Ramirez never showed up in court to testify against Selgado, but his statement was admitted into evidence in the trial against Selgado. It was alleged that Ramirez had recorded meetings he had with Selgado.

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