Commission of Inquiry into the Sugarcane Industry Set to Proceed
In a press release on Tuesday evening, the Briceño Administration said that the Commission of Inquiry into the sugarcane industry is set to proceed.” The statement came after the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) called a press conference at its headquarters in Orange Walk Town regarding the promised Commission of Inquiry.
During the press conference, Alfredo Ortega, Vice-Chairman, B.S.C.F.A., said “As you can see we have reached March and the signing of the document was in January. Thirty days was in February. So we have long past due that. Now that we have reached this stage and we have listened, because first we were waiting for the government or the prime minister to declare, because he said in his interview on Friday that he is the one in charge to declare the commission of inquiry.”

BSCFA Vice Chairman, Alfredo Ortega
He further stated that “We were waiting for that, but when we listened to what he said on Friday we can clearly say he lied to us, he lied to the cane farmers and that is why we are here. We want to clearly see how the prime minister behaves, lying to the cane farmers, lying to us, lying to the Belizean people in his statements, he said that we are not the only association.”
In its press release, the government said, “Today, Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño approved the terms of reference as well as the appointment of the commissioners to the inquiry into the sugarcane industry of Belize.”
It said “The commission is expected to review the entire value chain of the sugarcane industry to establish the benchmark costs, determine efficiencies and recommend measures to increase efficiencies. Specifically, the commission is to determine the cost of sugarcane farming, harvesting and transporting, as well as sugar manufacturing, operating, transportation and logistics costs.”
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