Coast Guard Sailor in Coma After Motorcycle Mishap
A coast guard sailor is in an induced coma at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital after a motorcycle accident on the George Price Highway on November thirtieth. Gianna Vanegas was riding alone towards the Westar Service Station when the accident happened. The seaman apprentice, who was off duty at the time, was seriously injured and rushed to Belize City for emergency treatment. While she remains unconscious, her current condition is unknown. Earlier today, News Five spoke with Acting Vice Commandant Alma Pinelo about the incident.

Alma Pinelo
Lt. Cmdr. Alma Pinelo, Belize Coast Guard
“What we understood was that she was on a motorcycle on her own. She had left home, and she was going towards the direction of Westar Gas Station and somewhere in that vicinity is where the accident happened.”
Isani Cayetano
“What is her present condition?”
Alma Pinelo
“It is a bit sensitive, but what we know is that from the onset when she was transported from between the area of the accident and Western Region, she had to be induced into coma due to the state of the accident. What we know is that she was put into a coma to be transported over to the KHMH which she has been there since early Saturday morning, and she also had a broken arm.”
Isani Cayetano
“This accident happened while, presumably, she was off duty?”
Alma Pinelo
“Yes, she had just come in from patrol, actually, so she was on her stand down. She had come in from Consejo maybe about three or four days before that and so she was on her relaxed down time at home.”
Isani Cayetano
“What can you tell us about Ms. Venegas, in terms of her service here at the Belize Coast Guard?”
Alma Pinelo
“She recently joined with Intake Eleven, so she has been in the coast guard now for a year. This December makes a year since our Intake Eleven has been in the coast guard. She has been a part of the fleet, so in operation, she has been very active, actually, both in operations and in athleticism.”
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