City Administrator Gunned Down; Her Husband Takes His Own Life
On Saturday morning, many across the Old Capital were shocked upon learning of the deaths of city administrator Stephanie Lindo-Garbutt and her husband, Oswald “Wally Cat” Garbutt. The couple was well known, as Garbutt’s husband was the proprietor and manager of Blue Steel Sounds, an entertainment group that is popular on the music scene. Garbutt shot his wife, before turning the weapon on himself. It’s a tragedy that comes while International Women’s Month is being celebrated. It has rocked the People’s United Party, as well as the Belize City Council which is set to be sworn into office for a third term later this week. Here’s News Five’s Isani Cayetano with the following story.

Bernard Wagner
Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
“Shocked, frozen in time and I’m still shocked actually. This whole weekend has been a weekend where I am on the edge, always anticipating that something tragic would happen and so this continues. I know we will have to heal as a unit, group, and I know I have the support of my council. I am glad to have them along with me.”
The city administrator and her husband are dead and the couple leaves behind a thirteen-year-old son in the wake of a tragic murder/suicide over the weekend. It happened on Saturday morning at this residence on Freetown Road, on the second floor of Oswald Garbutt’s Glass Technology business.

Hilberto Romero
ACP Hilberto Romero, Regional Commander, Eastern Division
“Investigations revealed that shots were heard inside the house and when police visited, they found the two bodies.”
Stephanie Lindo-Garbutt and her husband, Oswald “Wally Cat” Garbutt were reportedly involved in a domestic dispute prior to the deadly shootings. The incident is believed to have taken place sometime after seven a.m. Garbutt’s younger sibling, who goes by the professional handle Selectah Joe, made the grisly discovery when he realized that blood was dripping through the flooring of the upstairs residence.
Hilberto Romero
“The two bodies were found with gunshot injuries and thereafter the scene was processed and they were taken to the KHMH.”
Isani Cayetano
“From your investigation, your preliminary investigation, I should say, was there anything inside the residence that was of concern or that would have suggested otherwise?”
Hilberto Romero
“Not that I know of, but a thorough investigation is being carried out into the matter.”
The tragic ordeal has come as a shock to everyone at City Hall where a black blow has been placed at the entrance of the building. Eluide Miller worked closely with Stephanie Garbutt in the day-to-day administration prior to running for office.

Eluide Miller
Eluide Miller, Councilor-Elect
“I had the opportunity to work very closely with the city administrator, not at the policy level like the previous council member did, but at an administrative level, given that I was a staff member at the council and over time we also established, similar to the mayor and myself, we established a great working relationship. I would have to have discussions with her on a daily basis in order to get certain things done and she was always helpful.”
According to Mayor Wagner, at no time did Garbutt indicate to anyone at City Hall that she was experiencing marital issues at home.
Bernard Wagner
“To the best of my knowledge, she didn’t demonstrate any sort of signs. I have meetings with the city administrator every Monday morning and sometimes twice per week. I never saw any signs in respect to domestic violence. But we know that domestic violence is prevalent globally. Actually, it has become a sort of epidemic in itself.”
And that epidemic has reared its ugly head at the Belize City Council. Domestic violence can cause severe physical and emotional harm to family members and children who witness domestic violence may experience long-lasting emotional scars, affecting their development and well-being.

Stephanne Hamilton
Stephanne Hamilton, Councilor-Elect
“When I received the news on Saturday, for me it was like a nightmare, I actually could not believe it. I had to make several calls to ensure that indeed we were going through this and for me it’s like a devastation. Actually on Wednesday Stephanie texted me on Monday to wish me all the best and when she received the results, again she was championing me and she said, “Councilor, you deserve it, you worked hard.”
Sadly, the city administrator won’t be around to see the Belize City Council be called to office later this week. Her husband, Wally Cat, was well-known on the entertainment scene as a popular disc jockey who owned and managed Blue Steel Sounds, a staple on local radio. He was also the proprietor of Glass Technologies Ltd.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I’m still at a loss. I know Bill Lindo very well and I know he is hurting beyond words, him and his family, and we reached out to both families. I still don’t know what really transpired, but it’s tragic. And Stephanie was so full of life and hard-working, driven person.”
Isani Cayetano for News Five.
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