CitCo Explores New Grid System to Address Overgrown Grass
What’s up with the overgrown grass on street sides across the city? A drive around certain neighborhoods reveals that many streets and their intersections have poor visibility due to overgrown grass. Here’s Mayor Wagner’s response to concerns raised by residents.

Bernard Wagner
Bernard Wagner, Mayor, Belize City
“What we are doing, I would admit it, and so we, since I came into office in 2018, we have noticed that the sort of system we have in place to address maintenance of streets is not working. And so, we are currently putting in place a new system. It’s a grid system and it will be powered by GIS mapping and being able to map out the entire city and have the city divided up into grids. We are currently looking at thirty-one grids across the city, we will have teams assigned to the different grids, and the grids will have cutting teams, it will have patching teams, it will have drainage teams so that when we look at our console, if a complaint comes in on grid fourteen, we will immediately be able to look at grid fourteen, who is the team there, who is the captain, who is the manager there? This is your area, this is your grid, please attend to it. I think that will be more efficient. I’ve seen it work in the Los Angeles area. This sort of system weh we inherit where you have maintenance and sanitation and we’re just sporadic, ih noh di work. And so, we are addressing that with this new grid system and we will give you a full overview of that system as soon as we complete it.”
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