HomeLatest NewsChild Bitten by Venomous Snake Needs Your Help  

Child Bitten by Venomous Snake Needs Your Help  

Adrian Cus

Child Bitten by Venomous Snake Needs Your Help  

An eleven-year-old boy was bitten by a venomous snake earlier this week and his mother is seeking your help to pay the hospital bills. Dorita Caliz told News Five that the eleven-year-old boy, Adrian Cus, went to get the family’s horse from a nearby creek in Silver Creek Village, Toledo when the incident happened. She named the snake as a Fer de Lance, known also as the Tommy Goff, one of Belize’s most venomous snakes. The child was first taken to the PG community hospital but was transferred to the Southern Regional Hospital where he is receiving treatment and is being monitored by specialists. But the time he spends hospitalized is causing financial issues for a family, which is already strapped for cash. So Caliz is hoping that you can assist them.


Via phone: Dorita Caliz

                     Via phone: Dorita Caliz

Via phone: Dorita Caliz, Mother of Snake Bite Victim

“He came from school from 3:30, and he reached home and he reached at his auntie’s home, but I wasn’t at home that time. And then I told my sister-in-law to send him to get the horse across the creek. So he went to get the horse across the creek, and then when he was coming back home, right there the snake bite him inside the creek. She took him to the hospital at Punta Gorda and then they sent him here in Dangriga, so he’s in Dangriga Hospital right now. He’s staying in the hospital. I don’t know how long he will stay in the hospital because his foot is still swelling. He has a swelling on his foot and hospital bills – I don’t know how much – and I don’t want to owe the hospital. And then, after that, I don’t know how long he will stay at home because I need to see what I can do after that when he leaves hospital, if the swelling doesn’t come down. I don’t have a job, I just do my little business. I just make coconut oil, yellow ginger to support my kids. That’s what I do with my business, and I have my common-law (husband), he only do farming. He doesn’t go work nowhere. And then we just do that to provide and that’s the only thing we do at home. And they burn my common-law farm and everything is damaged there.”


If you would like to assist the boy with his medical bill, you can contact his mom, Dorita Caliz at six, three, four, seven, four, six, one.

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