HomeEconomyCelebrating Statistical Achievements Across the Region

Celebrating Statistical Achievements Across the Region

Celebrating Statistical Achievements Across the Region

In a pre-recorded message, Prime Minister John Briceño spoke to the gathering, emphasizing just how crucial the work of statisticians is across the region. He highlighted their efforts and the significant impact their data-driven insights have on shaping policies and driving progress.


Prime Minister John Briceño

“Our Caribbean National Statistics Office has faced numerous challenges in their efforts to operationalize it.  These were even further exacerbated in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak when national statistical systems were required to provide date to support government’s response in almost real-time.  You all had to work with significantly reduced budgets and hundreds or even thousands of lives depended on the accuracy of the data your office produced.  To their great credit, data systems around the world were able to adopt and innovate, supporting the largest ever data-driven response to a global crisis.  This is nothing new for small countries with limited resources by necessity, adoptability and resourcefulness at all levels.”


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