S.I.B. Hosts Fourth High Level Advocacy Forum on Statistics
On Monday, the Government of Belize kicked off the Fourth High Level Advocacy Forum on Statistics with an opening ceremony. The event brought together representatives from across the region in Placencia to celebrate the impressive milestones achieved by the Standing Committee of Caribbean Statisticians. It was a gathering of minds and a celebration of progress in the world of statistics.

Diana Castillo-Trejo
Diana Castillo-Trejo, Director General, S.I.B.
“In a year during which the regional and international statistical communities celebrate a number of major milestones, including the fiftieth milestone of the standing committee of Caribbean statisticians and the sixth anniversary of the endorsement of the regional strategy for the development of statistics, as well as the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations fundamental principles of official statistics, and the tenth anniversary of their endorsement by the United Nations General Assembly. The Statistical Institute of Belize is equally delighted to have our colleagues, our partners, join us in this setting. Far removed from the hustle and bustle of our everyday routine for a week of collaboration, delegation, planning and coordination. Today’s high level advocacy forum, as well as the week’s various meetings being held under theme, “Improving lives through statistics, strengthening and innovating together.” It provides a unique opportunity to bring together an array of officials from across the region, representatives of various international agencies, regional experts and heads of national statistics offices, with a view to strengthening the partnerships that are among the most critical to the development of statistics in our region.”
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