Can U.D.P. Leader Moses Barrow Survive Another Recall Petition?
Are moves being made for U.D.P. Albert Area Representative Tracy Panton to challenge Moses “Shyne” Barrow for the party’s leadership? Tonight, the United Democratic Party is displaying signs of significant internal division. Key figures within the party have reportedly launched a petition to remove Barrow as Party Leader. As we reported on Monday, eighteen U.D.P. standard bearers met in Orange Walk to discuss “general reform.” Panton, second deputy leader Beverly Williams, and former leaders Patrick Faber and John Saldivar participated in the meeting. And things are moving fast as Saldivar, the U.D.P. Standard Bearer for Belmopan, has reportedly called a meeting with the party’s western standard bearers tonight. Plus, Panton’s supporters are making it publicly known that they are with her. Several prominent U.D.P. figures took to Facebook to pledge their support for Panton, using the phrase “I am with her.” Among those who made these social media posts were John Saldivar, Patrick Faber, and Beverly Williams. Except for John Saldivar, who wrote, “the first loss she took it on the chin, now all she is going to do is win,” no one gave an explanation behind their post. Today we caught up with the Chairman of the U.D.P., Michael Peyrefitte, and we asked him about the U.D.P.’s internal turmoil. Here is how he responded.

Michael Peyrefitte
Michael Peyrefitte, Chairman, U.D.P.
“Well I think it is only on social media because social media exists. There have been riffs in the U.D.P. since its formation in 1983. So that is nothing new. That is not news. That is what we do. We are active. We are not monolithic. We have our opinions. We have our positions that we take and we create an environment where people can express themselves and say what they want. So, I don’t see it as a riff. It’s just what we do.”
Paul Lopez
“Do you know if there is an intention to overthrow the current party leader. We interestingly See individuals like Patrick Faber, Beverly Williams, throwing support behind Tracy Panton.”
Michael Peyrefitte
“I haven’t heard of that. I am not aware of any intentions. I know we have a party leader. There is a process if you want to change party leaders. I don’t know that any such process has begun. But, time will tell. I mean like I said earlier we don’t put a limit on what people can do in the party. If that is what they want then that is what they do. But I don’t know. I am not hearing anything like that.”
Paul Lopez
“Are you aware that there was a meeting in Orange Walk yesterday. I understand Patrick Faber was at that meeting as well as Ms. Bev and that perhaps that is where a lot of this originated and the idea of replacing Mr. Barrow for Ms. Tracy originated.”
Michael Peyrefitte
“No, I am not aware of such meetings. I am only aware of central executive meetings and N.P.C. meetings. Any other meeting other than that, and I know we have a national party council meeting on August third. But other than that I am not aware of any other meeting.”
Paul Lopez
“What is scheduled to be discussed at that meeting and will the party’s leadership moving forward be discussed?”
Michael Peyrefitte
“I cannot say what will be discussed at that meeting but leadership issues cannot be discussed there. According to our constitution the N.P.C. cannot discuss that, there is a different procedure for that. But, we always have N.P.C. meetings after an election to discuss what we did right, what we did wrong. As far as I am aware that is the purpose of the meeting. But of course, the party can bring up any other matter at any time to discuss. But when it comes to, as you are alluding to, I am not aware of it, but as far as I know, when it comes to removing a leader there is a process that has to take place that has nothing to do with the N.P.C.”
Paul Lopez
“Where do you stand personally? Do you remain neutral? Is your position that you have to remain neutral?”
Michael Peyrefitte
“I remain in the position of whatever is in the best interest of the party. If there is a petition, then that petition then that petition has to be fleshed out. But I will not participate in anything that reduces the rich history of the UDP and I will make sure that whatever is done is done fairly and within the constitution of the party.”
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