Businessman Could Lose Gun Licenses
Earlier this month, a man who allegedly pulled an assault rifle on a road works crew on the Coastal Plains Highway and then saw the charges withdrawn in court, may lose his licensed weapons. Today the Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams told reporters that he has instructed the officers who confiscated the guns from businessman, thirty-year-old Efrain Rejon after the incident to not return them. The incident in question happened when, according to a contractor, Rejon threatened him and his fellow workers at a road construction site on the Coastal Plain Highway. The contractor told police that Rejon arrived at the site armed with a high-calibre rifle during an argument over damage that a passing truck had caused. Rejon, the report alleges, pointed the rifle at the workmen. This was one of three weapons that Rejon reportedly has, and while it may raise concern among other civilians how many gun licenses one can hold, Williams says the law allows for it.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“I have already written instructed the police not to return any of those weapons to Mr. Rehon. And um, even though the complainants have gone to court and will write to the Firearms and Emergency Control Board and seek their intervention to have the license revoked.”
“Mm. You had been the one who issued the licenses in the first place. What was your justification to allow Rehan to have these guns? Again, you’re wrong. I, some of them he got under me and he also got under the previous commissioner.”
Chester Williams
“There’s nothing in law to say that a person cannot have two, three, four, or five guns. I have said to you, there is a man who has 21 licenses. None of them were issued by me, none. You are not making an issue out of that. And even though he had, he has 20, nothing wrong with that. They have a number of persons who have 18, 19, 17, and it’s not an issue because there’s nothing in law. So why, I don’t understand why every time there is an incident where a person has more than one, You have a gun license, you are mechanical of it. There’s nothing in law to prevent any person from having that. A person may have a gun license for hunting, um, sports hunting. They may have one for farming. They may have one for special protection. They may have for different reasons. Some people are gun enthusiasts. Some people are collectors. They have guns for different reasons. So we cannot just look at things at the face of it and then we try to impute improper motive on anybody. Seeing as though this is a second case. The first one was Brandon. What was his name? Brandon Gillett, where he also pulled out a 223 and threatened violence in public. Do you feel that there should be some type of limit since you’re saying, you know, some people have 20, so much guns. There should be some type of limit to the amount of licenses, especially as it relates to these powerful weapons. I would agree with you on that. Maybe Parliament should look at that to put a limit in terms of the amount of license a person can have at any given time. That I think would make sense.”
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