BSCFA Holds Press Conference in O.W.
The Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) is hosting a press conference at its headquarters in Orange Walk Town. The BSCFA says the purpose of the press conference is to respond to statements made by the Prime Minister in the media last Friday regarding a court ruling on the Sugar Industry (Licence to Import/Export Sugar) Regulations 2023.
On February 29, 2024, High Court Judge Rajiv Gooretilleke delivered a judgement on a claim filed by Belize Sugar Industries Limited (BSI) and Corozal Sugar Cane Producers Associations (CSCPA) on May 23, 2023 against the Attorney General of Belize, the Minister of Agriculture, the Sugar Industry Control Board, and the Controller of Supplies.

Executive Members of the BSCFA
BSCFA says that the Prime Minister’s admission that he wasn’t surprised by the ruling and his assurance of necessary amendments is incredulous. ” His outright capitulation to BSI continues to leave the small cane farmers at the mercy of the financial power and influence of the multinationals, BSI and TLS.”
“Equally appalling are the statements of the Prime Minister regarding the Commission of Inquiry (COI). The Prime Minister states that he heads the COI, that he is the one who has responsibility for the COI, and that it is his responsibility to ensure that there are proper consultations by everyone.”
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