HomeBelize DistrictBomb Threat at Wesley Upper Sends Schools in High Alert Mode

Bomb Threat at Wesley Upper Sends Schools in High Alert Mode

Bomb Threat at Wesley Upper Sends Schools in High Alert Mode

The compounds of Queen Square Primary and Wesley Upper schools were cleared this morning following reports of a bomb threat at Wesley Upper School. Both grounds are located across from each other on Dolphin Street. Law enforcement officers responded swiftly to the report and within thirty minutes the all-clear was given. By that time, the school had already alerted parents and guardians of the situation. They were asked to pick up their children from school. Here is what we heard from a few parents who visited the schools to get their children.


Voice of: Queen Square Primary School Parent

Voice of: Queen Square Primary School Parent

Voice of: Queen Square Primary School Parent

“No deh send a text. I don’t really know what happened. Just a text came in and said bomb threat at Wesley School so come in for your kids.”


Paul Lopez

“So you came for your kid?”


Voice of: Queen Square Primary School Parent

“Yes sir.”


Paul Lopez

“How serious you take something like this?”

Voice of: Queen Square Primary School Parent

“Well you don’t play with things like these. You go for your children when problems so I come for my child.”


Voice of: Wesley Upper School Guardian

Voice of: Wesley Upper School Guardian

Voice of: Wesley Upper School Guardian

“I was home and then one of the neighbors came and I heard someone outside shouting my name and the neighbor said. Yow there is a bomb threat at school, go for your brother. So I just jump up and I come and check what happened and when I reach here I saw it is all clear and it was not serious. So it is something good to hear.”

Paul Lopez

“How serious you took a news like this?”


Voice of: Wesley Upper School Guardian

“Honestly, I didn’t take it seriously because from I was going to primary school I believe it is just something to get a day off. I didn’t take it serious, but I just came to be on the safe side nuh.”

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