Bernard Says Society to Blame for Autistic Child’s Death
The devastating news of six-year-old Gabriel Orellano’s death continues to weigh heavily on the hearts of Belizeans across the country. Earlier this week, we retraced Gabriel’s steps from his school to the tragic spot where his body was found later that day. The video revealed that Gabriel passed by several adults on his journey, yet no one stopped or questioned him. This has sparked a crucial conversation about our collective responsibility to protect and support all children, especially those with special needs. Today, the Minister of Health and Wellness, Kevin Bernard, shared his thoughts on this deeply saddening situation.

Kevin Bernard
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health & Wellness
“That’s a very tough situation. I looked at that video like, repeatedly in my mind, and I said, I have a nephew my, my brother-in-law son, who is an autistic child. And you know the special care and attention that they need. What saddens me, is looking at the video and you question where are we as a society? Where are we as a people? Seeing a child in a, in that uniform. Everybody knows the uniform from the students who attend Stella Maris, running down the highway, almost in the middle of the highway. For the most part, vehicles traversing. People on motorcycles. People on bicycles. I actually saw somebody riding a bicycle next to this child all the way, for a good distance. You mean we can’t stop and take a look and say, man, this child is on his own out here? I think we fail this young child as a society. We’re not constantly blaming one individual. Let’s blame ourselves. Where is our passion and empathy? Where have our love gone for each other? That is what I think we should ask. I challenge every Belizean to also educate yourselves in terms of what this dreadful issue also caused on our young children. It’s not just children, but we have a lot of people suffering from autism. Let’s educate ourselves and let others support what we need to also support. It’s a sad situation that occurred. I’m wearing blue in honor of young Gabriel, but in honor of all those young children who suffer from autism as well, and all those who are suffering from autism. And so I call and I make a plea to our citizens, let us support each other. Let this incident never occur again. It’s a sad situation that occurred, and I hope that it never and ever repeats itself.”
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