Benque Inaugurates New Refugee Asylum Center
A new refugee information center has been opened in Benque Viejo to accommodate asylum seekers who enter Belize from the western border. Refugee information centers often advocate on behalf of asylum seekers, helping them navigate legal challenges and ensuring that their rights are protected. Here’s News Five’s Isani Cayetano with that story.
Isani Cayetano, Reporting
There are over four thousand, one hundred asylum seekers and refugees living in Belize. Many of them come from other Central American countries, including El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Since participating in the Global Refugee Forum, Belize has pledged to lead the regional protection response for forcibly displaced people. In Benque Viejo, a new refugee information center has been inaugurated.

Tanya Santos-Neal
Tanya Santos-Neal, C.E.O., Ministry of Immigration
“Today we gather to celebrate a significant milestone, one that marks a new point in our collective commitment to humanity and compassion. This milestone also serves as a visual reminder that our ministry continues to adhere to its international obligations to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration. This office will not only serve as a contact point for these in need of protection, but will also stand as tangible evidence of our strengthened resolve to assist those susceptible to unsafe and irregular entry and stay due to displacement and justifiable fear.”
Refugee information centers play a crucial role for asylum seekers to access vital information about the asylum process, legal rights, and available services. They also offer immediate assistance such as food and shelter, healthcare and clothing.

Nikolai Zelaya
Nikolai Zelaya, Acting Director, Refugees Dept.
“Among other things, the Refugee Act in Belize mandates us to ensure the provision of adequate facilities and services for the care of refugees within Belize. This Refugee Information Center is the embodiment of that concept where we will strive to provide information to the public, among other services. The stated aims of this office is to serve as a liaison between the general public and our main refugee department office in Belmopan, and also to serve as a direct link between the refugee department and the other government departments located in this area with whom we have developed great working relationships.”
Aside from assisting asylum seekers who arrive with very few resources, refugee information centers also provide psychosocial support, including counseling and mental health services to help refugees cope with the trauma and stress of displacement.

Myrat Myradov
Myrat Myradov, Head, UNHCR Belize
“The western border station where we are now which is an integral corridor to Central America continues to mark the highest number of arrivals for persons seeking safety in Belize. We believe that the Refugee Information Center will assist many asylum seekers seeking refuge in Belize. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines that everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum and Belize is a good example where asylum seekers can enter the country without being penalized, get information and seek asylum, and approach the refugee department for the refugee status determination. Over the past years, we have seen an excellent cooperation between the various government bodies, including the immigration border department, refugee department, police, municipality, religious organizations and host community in supporting and providing information to asylum seekers on the processes available in Belize.”
Isani Cayetano for News Five.
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