Belizeans Encouraged to Prevent the Spread of H.I.V. with Prep
Combating the spread of H.I.V. and AIDS requires a multidimensional approach, taking into consideration both treatment and preventative measures. Pre-exposure prophylaxis, more commonly known as PREP, is a form of medication used to prevent H.I.V. infection. The National AIDS Commission, NAC, is encouraging the public to make use of this potentially life-saving drug. Enrique Romero, Executive Director of NAC, further explains the benefits of PREP.

Enrique Romero
Enrique Romero, Executive Director, NAC
“So pre-exposure prophylaxis basically is a pill that is taken daily, and it’s for persons who are H.I.V. negative but who may be at higher risk of contracting H.I.V. So let me give you an example, let’s say you have a relationship, a partner, where the, one of the person; Listen the husband is positive and the wife is negative, for whatever reason. So in order for the wife to eliminate or mitigate the risk of contracting H.I.V. from the husband the woman, the wife would take the pill, the pre-exposure prophylaxis daily, and that would prevent, impede the wife getting, contracting H.I.V. from the husband, and again, these are not things we grab because its being done in the U.S. or is done in Europe and in other countries, there is evidence-based data that shows that pre-exposure prophylaxis has a ninety-eight to ninety-nine percent of mitigating H.I.V. transmission, H.I.V. self-testing has ninety-nine percent accuracy and sensitivity.”
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