Belizean Author Teases Upcoming Book Release
Manuel Novelo, a Belizean author hailing from Orange Walk, is thrilled to announce the release of his latest book, “A Belizean Story.” Novelo first made waves in 2012, with his debut, “The Sacred Maya: Smoke Shell.” Now, over a decade later, he’s back with a fresh tale set in Belize. He visited our office today to give us a sneak peek at what readers can look forward to in this exciting new read.

Manuel Novelo
Manuel Novelo, Belizean Author
“I always love writing, creative writing. I’ve done that since I was a child. I have my first book was written while, back in the 1980s, actually, and I call it La Milpa. Never got it published. I still have it. The manuscript, I also wrote several other stories, many short stories, but the ones that I really had the opportunity to publish, this one that I published many years ago. I actually published it in the United States and I published it here in Belize. And now recently I just finished another one, which I call a Belize Story. Right, so this is my new book I would like to present to our Belizean public, our Belizean readers, hoping that not only children, but not only children going to school, but like everybody, adults, everybody will enjoy this book. So it’s real, real characters that happened in 1960s, 1970s, but again, I put a story. A story about three young boys and a pot licka, the adventures they had, and then I relate the story or the real history of The village of Palmar, the uniqueness of this village, when they used to live. In a village known as San Jose Yalbac and San Pedro City that’s near Gallon Jug the western part of the Orange Walk district. And then how they were forced out of their lands by the British Empire, by the B. E. C., the Great British Giants.”
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