Belize Signs on to a Decent Work Agreement
Earlier today, the Government of Belize and the International Labor Organization signed an agreement with the umbrella union, as well as the business community regarding decent work. Decent work is described as employment that respects the fundamental rights of the human person, as well as the rights of workers in terms of conditions of work safety and payment. This is applied to both the formal and informal sectors. The Briceño administration, under its Plan Belize agenda, is invested in Belize’s sustainable economic growth.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“It is a comprehensive and practical plan aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges in our labor market, building the skills of Belizean workers and ensuring that every Belizean can attain decent and productive employment. In our Plan Belize manifesto, we committed to building sustainable economic growth. This means delivering decent work for all. Our administration understands that, again, decent work is a fundamental human right and a driver of sustainable development and we are dedicated to creating opportunities for work that are productive to deliver a fair income, ensure workplace security, provide social protection for families and offer better outcomes for social integration. Our gold, then, is to ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, age or background can work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity.”

Dr. Joni Musabayana
Dr. Joni Musabayana, Dir., ILO Caribbean Office
“Decent work, as has already been articulated, is a fundamental human right that lies at the heart of human progress. It encompasses opportunities for productive employment, fair wages, social protection and freedom to organize and participate in the decisions that affect the working lives of men and women. Ensuring decent work for all, we can create a more equitable society, a more inclusive society where individuals have the opportunity to fulfill their potential, contribute to the wellbeing of their families and communities.”
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