Belize Observed Biggest Day in Tourism Ever Last Month
Earlier this month, Belize observed the biggest day in tourism history with the highest number of visitors ever recorded. This influx of arrivals fell in line with the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations and the Belize Tourism Board’s estimations that 2024 would be Belize’s best year for the sector; not only meeting but surpassing the pre-pandemic numbers of 2019. According to C.E.O. Nicole Solano, this recovery is the result of several initiatives and efforts made by key players in the sector.

Nicole Solano
Nicole Solano, C.E.O., Ministry of Tourism Diaspora Relations
“The high season for tourism is generally between the months of November and about April. But March we saw almost it was actually the highest number of visitors that we had entering Belize ever. We did see a very good season. We expect that by the end of this year, we will be back to pre pandemic levels. Last year, we were only about ninety-two percent of 2019, but this year we expect that we will be not only back, but surpassing the numbers that we saw pre COVID. The Ministry of Tourism, of course, through our statutory board, the Belize Tourism Board, is looking at all of the product development opportunities throughout Belize. Because you have An increasing number of travelers coming to Belize, right? So very important is when they get here, they have a good experience. So in order for us to do that, we have to make sure that we’re looking at all of the sites and attractions and trying to make sure that they’re enhanced with, whatever it’s needed, bathroom facilities. The experience that they have when they get here is actually going to determine whether or not they talk positively about the destination or tell their friends, whether or not they have they come back, right? We want return visitors, but all of that will depend on the experience that they have when they get here. So our objective, of course, is to make sure that we do a review of all of the things within the industry that needs upliftment. We can’t solve everything. It’s a long way to go. There’s a lot of work to do, but every time we identify something that we can improve, we focus on that, put that in the plan, put that in the budget, and then try to make sure that we can implement.”
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