Belize is Committed to Supporting Haiti’s Citizen Security Effort
Belize has long agreed to send a team of law enforcement officers to Haiti to assist the nation in its efforts to restore citizen security. That team is yet to be deployed. So, what is the hold up? Minister of Foreign Affairs Francis Fonseca says Belize remains committed but important funding and logistical details remain outstanding.

Francis Fonseca
Francis Fonseca, Minister of Foreign Affairs
“Belize remains committed to participating in the MSSM mission, but there are still a few outstanding issues that has to be finalized. The funding, I keep making this point, the funding of the mission is critically important. All the funds have not been sourced as yet. But we are glad to hear that countries have been stepping up, United States, Canada, France are all saying they will contribute more. So this is not just a Belize issue. All CARICOM is saying that they will contribute more. This is not just a Belize issue. The entire CARICOM is concerned about the mission. And, also the very important issue of the logistics of the organization of the mission. We need to have a very clear exit strategy. We cannot send our soldiers in on a mission where we don’t have a clear exit strategy. What will they be doing in Haiti? We need to be very clear on that, what roles will they be performing? But we are very happy that progress has been made. CARICOM has been at the forefront of this issue. We now have in place a prime minister, interim prime minister in Haiti. The transitional council is still in place. So, I think we are hoping that over the next few months we can see greater level of stability in Haiti and eventually free and fair elections.”
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