Belize Federation of Fishers Advisor Concerned Over Lobster Population
Belize’s fisheries stocks, particularly the lobster population, could be in a critical state within a few years, says an advisor with the Belize Federation of Fishers. The spokesman told News that there is data that suggests that if steps are not taken from now to reverse the overfishing of this marine product. Today, the Federation took part in a workshop held by the Earth Journalism Network, which looked at marine stocks, and problems that the marine industry faces because of overfishing, illegal fishing and related practices. George Myvett is a voluntary advisor with the federation. He paints a grim picture of how Belize’s lobster industry could decline if we do not put measures in place to give the lobster population to reproduce.

George Myvett
George Myvett, Voluntary Advisor, Belize Federation of Fishers
“In Belize, depending on who and when you speak to them, there are over four thousand commercial fishers. One of the issues with this is that Belize has what is referred to as an open-access fishery, meaning there is no limit to the amount of fishers in the industry. One of the recent policy changes that has happened…could crash in as little as three years.”
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