Belize Coast Guard Women Honour Legacy, Inspire Future Leaders
This Women’s Month, several women of the Belize Coast Guard (BCG) came together to honour the memory of their fallen sisters by maintaining their graves and cleaning the surrounding areas. In a social media statement, the BCG shared, “Maintaining the grave of a fallen servicewoman not only preserves her legacy but also reinforces the value of service and remembrance within the community.”
Their dedication didn’t stop there. By engaging with young minds at a local preschool, they ignited curiosity and respect for the essential work of the Coast Guard. Through these efforts, they introduced the children to various pieces of equipment used by the Belize Coast Guard and explained their significance in maritime safety and security. As the statement added, these actions “instil an early sense of civic responsibility and encourage future generations to consider careers in service and leadership.”
While women make up only 11% of the Coast Guard’s 526 active-duty members, they serve across all areas, from logistics to operational duties. Alma Pinelo, Belize’s first female Acting Vice Commandant, reflected on her journey, saying, “Dealing with the whole minority aspect of women in the military has always been something that I have been dealing with my entire career. Knowing how to advocate for those that can’t from the onset. And so I said I had to learn how to be an advocate really early and realise that, okay, you’re shy, you gotta get over that because somebody else needs you.”
Pinelo hopes her leadership breaks the “glass ceiling”, paving the way for a future where women in leadership roles are the standard, not the exception.
Through their tireless service, these women are reshaping the future, proving that leadership, resilience, and strength are qualities that know no gender.
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