HomeBelize DistrictBelize Calls on Group of Friends 

Belize Calls on Group of Friends 

Belize Calls on Group of Friends

Belize Calls on Group of Friends 

Belize and Guatemala have called on the Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala to continue to support the work of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the Adjacency Zone in keeping peace in the area. Belize was represented by CEO Amalia Mai, and Guatemala was represented by Francisco Villagrán Kramer.

The Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala consists of more than a dozen countries, including the United States of America, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, and Jamaica.

The Group of Friends of Belize and Guatemala is the only civilian peacekeeping mission deployed in the Hemisphere within the context of a territorial dispute. The OAS Office in the Adjacency Zone plays a crucial role in maintaining peace on the ground, easing tensions, and thus facilitating the ongoing political dialogue.

The OAS also considered the report of the OAS Office in Adjacency Zone 20 years after its establishment. In her speech, CEO Mai thanked the OAS for keeping peace among communities in the area.


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