Belize Ascends Historical Disability Bill on Disability Awareness Day
Today, Belize made history by passing its first-ever disability bill. Introduced in the House of Representatives back in May, it was signed by the Governor General six months later. This historic event coincides perfectly with World Disability Awareness Day, observed on November third. The bill aims to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, protect their rights, and ensure they receive the privileges and benefits guaranteed by the Constitution. Here’s News Five’s Britney Gordon with the story.
Britney Gordon, Reporting
Today, Belize made history as the Governor General signed the country’s first-ever Disability Bill into law. This landmark event coincides with International Disability Awareness Day, celebrated under the theme: “Celebrating a New Dawn, Creating Spaces in All Places.” Dolores Balderamos-Garcia, the Minister of Human Development who introduced the proposed law, shared that this legislation marks a new chapter for accessibility and equal opportunities in Belize.

Dolores Balderamos-Garcia
Dolores Balderamos-Garcia, Minister of Human Development
“It takes into account both physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. Again, the protection will come by actions that are taken by various partners and various entities. I know, for example, that BAPDA, the Belize Association for Persons with Diverse Abilities, I know that they will continue their advocacy. And as I have said the Inter-Ministerial Committee will meet to make sure that we can put in place a few more practical changes. So that basically is the answer. I have always said that legislation is not a magic bullet, everything won’t change overnight. But with the sanctions that can come from violations and lack of action or negligence, we will have better teeth to make sure that we are protecting our persons with disabilities.”
Earlier this year, the proposition received unanimous support at the National Assembly. Lead Government Senator, Eamon Courtenay celebrated the bill on its anti-discrimination legislation.

Eamon Courtenay
Eamon Courtenay, Lead Government Senator (File: July 24, 2024)
“This bill represents a recognition by our society that over time and as we mature as a democracy and nation that we are called upon as a collective, community, people, to be more tolerant, to be more inclusive to be more respectful to the differences and diversities within our society and to provide a legal framework which guarantees the protection needed and to ensure there is no discrimination or at least we try to reduce the chances for discrimination.”
The bill addresses several key areas, including affordable health insurance, protection from workplace discrimination, and access to public places and transportation. It mandates that all existing public buildings be modified for accessibility within twelve months of the act being signed into force. For example, the Assembly Building in Belmopan is already adding wheelchair ramps. Kenrick Theus, President of the Belize Assembly for Persons with Diverse Abilities, BAPDA, who has a physical disability himself, says the bill is a positive step forward, but there’s still room for improvement.

Kenrick Theus
Kenrick Theus, President, BAPDA
“We’re looking at a societal change. To understand that the services needed are not just based on ground floor. Because access to a building, I have, I could have access to the the building here the complex building. But if you’re not on the ground floor, I still no have no access. But I am in need of the services. So all of that has to come with societal change where people will see certain things go in place and certain things will have to be mandated by law.”
The bill aims to reduce discrimination against people with disabilities by setting up a Disability Tribunal. This tribunal will listen to complaints from those who feel they’ve been discriminated against.

Marshall Nunez
Marshall Nunez, Disability Coordinator
“Celebrating a new dawn the coming of the disability legislation. Absolutely exciting for me and I think the contents of the legislation, which include the establishment of a disability commission, a secretariat working towards a disability register, a disability tribunal, and creating accessibility for all persons with disability physical access, access to technology, the looking at access to education, to health, social protection employment. These are all exciting times for me and I hope that they will be completely beneficial to the population of persons with disability in Belize.”
Protecting people with disabilities goes beyond just passing a new law. As Theus points out, it also requires ongoing advocacy and acceptance from everyone in society. Britney Gordon for News Five.
Disabilities Bill Guarantees Protection of Persons Living With Disabilities
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