Belize and UK Join Forces to Improve Marine Protected Area Data
Belize is joining forces with the UK’s Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) to enhance the monitoring and protection of its Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). According to the OCPP, the partnership is focused on “establishing clearer standards and thresholds for tracking the health of marine habitats and species.”
A workshop held on Monday and Tuesday in Belize City brought together stakeholders from the Belize Government, NGOs, and other organisations to develop “a unified approach to MPA monitoring through standardised indicators.” The goal is to adopt “standard protocols for MPAs.” This is to ensure that best practices are followed in monitoring marine health across the country.
Additionally, the OCPP is assisting the Coastal Zone Management Authority & Institute (CZMAI) by funding MarFishEco, a consulting firm, to help process a backlog of marine data. This will support Belize’s commitment to the Blue Bonds Agreement to protect 30% of its marine environment.
In its statement, the OCPP said that it will “support countries by equipping them with the skills and expertise needed to tackle, reduce, and mitigate marine pollution,” while also helping establish “designated, well-managed, and enforced marine protected areas.”
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