HomeFeaturedB.S.C.F.A Anticipates Start of Inquiry  

B.S.C.F.A Anticipates Start of Inquiry  

B.S.C.F.A Anticipates Start of Inquiry  

Now that O’Brien’s report is complete and he has made recommendations for both the B.S.C.F.A, and A.S.R./B.S.I. to consider regarding port charges, the association is now looking forward to other testy matters at hand. It was over a year ago that the government announced it would convene a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the modernization of the sugar cane industry and improve its viability. Since then, the terms of reference have been determined and the exercise was gazetted in March. A.S.R./B.S.I.’s attorney, Senior Counsel Godfrey Smith had said in a previous press briefing that his clients view the inquiry in the same light as they did the government’s sugar industry regulations. The High Court had struck down the regulations on grounds that they were an invasive attempt to delve into the private business of the company. A.S.R./B.S.I. has also denounced the inquiry, but today Alonzo said the B.S.C.F.A was looking into forward to its start.  


Oscar Alonzo

                               Oscar Alonzo

Oscar Alonzo, Chief Executive Office, B.S.C.F.A

“The Commission of Inquiry is still an ongoing process, and this is why we feel right that what was done by the expert only relates to two costs. There are other costs that we hope the Commission to Inquiry to look into as far as the review of the sugar industry as a whole, noh? The commissioners have been appointed, the terms of reference have been agreed to and what is being delayed is the commencement – the establishment, the actual sitting down and the commencement of the work at the commission. As far as we’re concerned, BSI is in agreement with the terms and conditions of the agreement. They have even proposed two experts to be commissioners, which have been accepted by the Prime Minister, and I think they were simply waiting the names. And as far as we understand, our names have been received and the commission should begin its work. But we are concerned and we hope that the Prime Minister would have the work commence as quickly as possible because originally, it was intended that the work would have been completed by the end of July this year. Now, several months have passed and then we are concerned that this will extend into next year. We would like this thing completed because remember the agreement that we signed in January was for a period of two years.”

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