B.N.T.U. President Candidate Says Minister Fonseca is “Politricking”
We also asked candidate Ifasina Efunyemi for her thoughts on comments Education Minister Francis Fonseca made two weeks ago against the union’s executive inside the National Assembly. In his remarks, Minister Fonesca said that there are still a few U.D.P.’s who want to create mischief before the municipal elections. He was referring to the B.N.T.U.’s press conference on March fifth in Belmopan. Acting-President, Jorge Mejia declined to comment, but Efunyemi says that Minister Fonseca is doing what politicians do: misleading and disseminating misinformation. Here is how she puts it:

Ifasina Efunyemi
Ifasina Efunyemi, President Candidate, B.N.T.U.
“The Minister was being a political and he was doing what politicians do, “politrickians”, that is why there is that coining of the term because when they are playing that game the whole point is to mislead by giving misinformation. The conference that happened the day before was led by the council of management of the Belize Teachers Union. And, while our political affiliation is our constitutional right, the BNTU is not a political party and has to fight fervently to ensure that none of the parties, so that partisan politics undermines the strength of the union, which is our struggle right now because we have members who have their alliance with their different parties but their allegiances happens to be to their political parties.If that is the case that is where we will have some problems with our union.”
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