August Explains Support for Shyne Barrow’s Leadership
According to August, several attempts were made to resolve the falling-out between the Alliance for Democracy and the leadership of the United Democratic Party. They even resorted to mediation and when that effort was unsuccessful, Party Leader Shyne Barrow was left with no choice but to get rid of it’s members.

Alberto August
Alberto August, Deputy Chairman, U.D.P.
“After that process was completed and the mediators thought that they could not go any further, I think you are aware of the document that they might have produced, that they could not go any further, the leadership of the party still believed that we could have gotten our act together and we could have… because we are talking about senior members of the party, you know. Atrick Faber served one time as leader of the party, as you are well aware, deputy prime minister of this country. Tracy is a senior tourism professional and so we are not talking about the ordinary persons, the insignificant persons. I must acknowledge the efforts of our current leader was almost bending [over] backwards to getting them back onboard. He tried mediation and when that failed, he said let’s go to negotiation and when that failed now, the man is left with no other alternative but to do this because he needs to prepare his party for the upcoming general elections. Like I said, it began snowballing to where we are right now. If you would recall two years ago, I led the charge for the recall of the current leader, but I must admit that from then to now, he has come a long way in terms of the way how he governs the party.”
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