HomeCrimeArmed Robber Turned Bush Lawyer Walks Free of Charges

Armed Robber Turned Bush Lawyer Walks Free of Charges

Jamaal Jackson

Armed Robber Turned Bush Lawyer Walks Free of Charges

Earlier today, thirty-nine-year-old Jamaal Jackson, a well-known criminal, was acquitted of the charges of attempted robbery and grievous harm.  As we’ve reported, Jackson was accused of attempting to jack a pair of security guards who were making a night deposit at Scotia Bank on Albert Street back in 2016.  During the incident, Jackson was pursued by police after coming under gunfire when they responded to the robbery in progress.  A woman police officer was injured in the head and arm during the shooting.  An investigation subsequently led to Jackson’s arrest.  But tonight, he’s free of both charges as the case could not be proven in court.  After two days of a voir dire, the matter ended with a nolle pros, setting Jackson free of the charges.  Of note is that Jackson appeared unrepresented in court.

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