HomeBreaking NewsAre Carrots from Mexico Superior to Belize’s Carrots?  

Are Carrots from Mexico Superior to Belize’s Carrots?  

Valentin Carillo

Are Carrots from Mexico Superior to Belize’s Carrots?  

During our trip north, we also sought to find out why a demand for carrots from Mexico exists locally. Whereas fifty pounds of carrots can be bought locally for thirty-five to forty dollars on average, fifty pounds of Mexican carrots can cost as much as eighty dollars. But is paying double the price for carrots worth it? Farmers say it’s currently all over the local market. B.M.D.C.’s administrator says carrots from Mexico are not superior.


Sabino Yam, Patchakan Farmer

“Well they look totally different. They are more different. They look kinda waxed. We can say. We producers can identify our products right. As we go to the market we can easily spot Mexican product.”


Paul Lopez

“What is it about, from your experience, is it about handling Mexican carrots that makes it so desirable? Is it superior?”


Valentin Carillo, Administrator, B.M.D.C.

“It is not superior. It is done in the optimum time to produce it because in November, December, January, February I believe we have some good quality. Even now I saw some good quality. So it is not like it’s superior. Similar with the onion, we have good quality onion. So there is nothing to envy from across there.”


Paul Lopez

“So what makes the Mexican carrots double the price?”


Valentin Carillo

“That’s the cost of production also.”

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