HomeBelize DistrictAnother City Fire, House on Ebony Street Completely Destroyed

Another City Fire, House on Ebony Street Completely Destroyed

Another City Fire, House on Ebony Street Completely Destroyed

On Sunday, another fire broke out in Belize City, this time on Ebony Street. Unfortunately, no one was home to save the house, and by the time the fire truck arrived, it was completely gutted. Station Supervisor for the Belize District, Gladstone Bucknor, explained to reporters that there wasn’t much they could do, as they had just returned from putting out a bush fire.


Gladstone Bucknor

                         Gladstone Bucknor

Gladstone Bucknor, Belize District Station Supervisor, National Fire Service

“A cement bungalow structure actually completely got destroyed with all the contents inside. As far as the investigation reveals, we understand that the person who owns it, Ms. Humes, is deceased and I think her daughter lives in the house now.”



“Do you have any idea what caused the fire?”


Gladstone Bucknor

“The officers are out there, they’re still looking at that. At the time of the Ebony Street fire it was after 12 on Sunday afternoon.”

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