Alliance Says U.D.P Constitution Allows for Convention Voting
The Alliance for Democracy, meanwhile, maintains that the U.D.P. constitution does indeed allow them to conduct a convention and to vote. Albert Area Representative, Tracy Taegar-Panton, who is a member of the alliance, explained to News Five why they believe that their event and the voting will be totally legal and they plan to proceed full throttle with their October twentieth convention at the Bird’s Isle.
Tracy Taegar-Panton, Area Representative, Albert
“Delegates of the party are voted on or elected in a constituency convention in their respective constituencies. The last time constituency conventions were held were in 2022, when we were preparing for the leadership convention and thereafter. And so, those delegates, as far as we are concerned, as far as the constitution mandates, are in place until 2024, sometime in November of this year. For most constituencies, it’s November. For other constituencies, it’s a little bit beyond November. So those delegates are valid. I know that -I’ve heard – there’s an argument that delegates are not valid if they’re not registered with the Secretariat. All those constituencies registered their delegates with the Secretariat of the United Democratic Party and delegates can only be removed if they voluntarily resign or if there’s a new constituency convention that is held to lift delegates.”
Marion Ali
“So, there wouldn’t be another portion of the U.D.P. Constitution that would be contradictory to what this part of the Constitution is saying, that you are allowed delegates up until the next convention?”
Tracy Taegar-Panton
“As far as I know, no, as far as my understanding of the constitution of the party, no. The delegates are ultimately the trustees of the party. They are the highest decision makers of the party and they have said in an overwhelming number that we need to have a reset. They have asked for a convention to be convened.”
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