Alliance Members Will Call Special Convention in October
Taegar-Panton went on to explain that a special convention will be held on October sixth to recall the leadership of the party and that it will be done based on the support of delegates whose signatures they have garnered.

Tracy Taegar-Panton
Tracy Taegar-Panton, Area Representative, Albert
“We therefore wish to denounce the fraudulent and unconstitutional rejection of 232 signatures of duly elected delegates who are the trustees of the United Democratic Party and decision makers. saying that their signatures are not valid for the convening of a national convention. You know the story, but I think it is important that we make it implicitly clear that on the 12th of August, a letter was sent to the chairman with the requisite signatures For an NPC meeting to be convened to discuss, among other things, the breaches and blatant disregard to the party’s constitution. Now let me say that the constitution is the most important institutional tool that we have available to us as members of the United Democratic Party. And should be treated in that regard. This letter of August 12th was the second request we shared with the chairman for an NPC meeting. And these requests have gone unanswered and obviously have fallen on deaf ears. The members of our alliance agreed to engage in a mediation process so we could air our concerns and determine collectively how to move forward in the best interests of the United Democratic Party. A meeting of the mediation team was convened by the national campaign manager on Friday, the 23rd of August. We discussed the issues as it related to the breaching of the party’s constitution, included, but not limited to, the removal of the standard bearer for Port Loyola, the unconstitutional removal of the standard bearer for Caribbean Shores, and the unconstitutional removal of the standard bearer for Port Loyola. For Belize rural south. The Alliance for Democracy has, is making a call, will be making a public call for a special unity UDP convention to be held on October 6th of 2024. This allows us the 30 day notice. That is required by the constitution. The special convention will seek to do a few things. One, to look at the executive appointments to the party. Two to pass a motion on the floor to recall the party leader and also to seek to, to, to, a second motion that will seek to appoint an interim leader of the United Democratic Party until these matters can be straightened out at the subsequent convention to be held.”
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